Sunday, April 10, 2011

School fundraiser at St. Regina!! :)

While this wasn't an event I feel that it's important to post about! My teen, Morgan Stocker, had a fundraiser at her school on March 11th for her friend Suzie! Suzie had a stroke in 2nd grade and the left side of her body does't get enough muscle stimulation so it's hard for her arm and leg to move properly. Morgan's school was raising money to get her a machine to help stimulate her arm and leg so she can be more mobile in her movements. That night they ended up raising $4,260!!! They did have to pay for the food, decorations, and one of the auction baskets so $3,500 went to Suzie!! How amazing is that for only 3 hours to raise that much money?!! That was over half of what Suzie needed to get her cast! The school, later that week, had a dress down day (since they wear uniforms everyday) and raised an extra $1,000 for her!!

Suzie is such an outstanding girl!! I had the honor to meet her and she was so excited that I was there for her and to help her out which brought tears to my eyes. She, of all people, really deserves to get this money to help her body move the way it should because of how sincere and sweet this girl is!! You could see so much love in the cafeteria for her and it was obvious as to why everyone loved her!!

It was an honor to be there and it was great to see Morgan again and support her in this effort of helping out a classmate!!

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